There’s no doubt that designing a kids’ bathroom can be a painful task— there’s so much to consider! Creating a room that fits your child’s needs, can easily adapt as they get older, and also appeals to you sounds almost impossible. However, to show you that you can find the perfect balance, we’ve found five of our favorite looks to help you design your ideal children’s bathroom:
The great thing about designing a children’s bathroom? You get to have fun with color! They will love bright hues like this yellow, but it works just as well with or without kids:

Remember to add pieces that are more their size! This lower storage unit and cute stepping stool keep everything in your child’s reach (and are easy to change out as they get older):

Another plus of giving your children kid-accessible storage? It will help them stay tidy and organized! A shelf like this one has lots of room for towels and toys:

Make transitioning easy with classic fixtures! All you have to do in this bathroom is change the wallpaper and shower curtain for a more mature look:

And if the crazy, kid-themed bathroom is not for you? Keep in mind, there are countless other styles to choose from that can also work for your child. This boys bathroom is timeless.

We hope we have inspired you for your next kids’ bathroom project!