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The Nurturing Mom

April 30, 2012 / in

Last week we rolled out a little tongue-in-cheek quiz called “Which Robe for Mom?” where we presented some different types of Moms. (Click on the graphic there to the left to take a peek.)  There’s a good chance your Mom is a bit of all of them. This week, leading up to Mother’s Day, we thought we would profile each type. Like you, we all have a Mom we love very much and we would like to pay tribute to mothers everywhere.

The Nurturing Mom. This Mom cares – she cares deeply. She cares about her children, and knows how to give them the love and support they need. She’s the type of Mom who will call you when you need it the most, just because she had a feeling. She hugs freely, laughs spontaneously and loves unconditionally. She shares her recipes, is a rock (and often the sympathetic ear) for her friends, and has been known to practice random acts of kindness. She seeks balance in a topsy-turvy world. She understands that there is no way to be a perfect mom, but a million ways to be a loving mom.

She cares about the planet, and tries her best to do her part, opting for organic where she can, walking rather than taking the car. You often find her tending to her garden – whether literally, or her garden of friends, family and community. She encourages all those who surround her to strive to be better, she teaches us compassion, strength and dignity with her every action. She is nurturing defined.

We think the nurturing Mom would appreciate the ultra soft, Earth-friendly Shawl Collar Organic robe, currently on sale until May 7th, 2012.

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