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Top 5 Signs You’re Becoming a Towel Snob

August 28, 2024 / in

Do you find yourself evaluating the softness of towels wherever you go? Have you started to guess the GSM of hotel towels? If so, you might be on the path to becoming a towel snob. Here are the top five signs that you’re developing a refined taste for towels.

1. You Have Strong Opinions on Cottons

You know your cottons, and understand that while Egyptian cotton is sought after for its absorbency (which is great for apparel and sheets) in towels it means a wet towel for way too long after use. That’s why you look for Turkish cotton, which provides the perfect balance between efficient drying, absorbency and softness! Turkish cotton, when used in towels, provides maximum absorbency and efficient drying. You know which cotton suits different occasions and wouldn’t dare mix them up.

2. You Know That Every Weight Has a Purpose

While most people might not even know what the GSM of a towel is, you know your light, mid and plush weights — and what’s ideal for you and your situation. For you, the higher the GSM, the thicker and more absorbent the towel. Whether it’s a plush, spa-like towel with a thread count of 600 or a lighter, more versatile Peshtemal towel with a count of 195, you know exactly what you want.

3. You’re Willing to Invest in Quality

Not everyone is willing to splurge on a towel, but you see it as an investment. You understand that quality towels, though a little more expensive, last longer and offer a superior drying experience. You’ve likely researched the best brands, and read countless reviews. The idea of buying a towel on sale at a discount store is simply out of the question.

4. You Have a Towel for Every Occasion

Your towel collection is vast and varied. You have a specific towel for every situation—whether it’s a quick shower (and everyday towel like Essence), a luxurious bath (Hello Royale!), a trip to the local pool, or a day at the beach (get me my Mandala!). You know which towel works best for each purpose, and you wouldn’t dream of using your gym towel after a bath.

5. You’re All About Maintenance

You’ve mastered the art of towel care. You know how to wash them to maintain their softness and absorbency, by reducing the amount of detergent you use and ditching fabric softeners which coat the fibres. You even tumble dry to ensure your towels stay fluffy and fresh.

We’re ALL Deserving Towel Snobs!

If you relate to most or all of these signs, you’re well on your way to becoming a towel snob. While some might see it as a quirky obsession, you know that the perfect towel is a small luxury that can make everyday life just a little bit better. Embrace your newfound expertise—after all, everyone deserves a little indulgence now and then!

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